Stable Lives Care is a CQC registered provider for Supported Living and Homecare. We provide Supported Living services to young people and adults across the North of England and aim to help those living with any form of disability to enjoy a more independent and fulfilling life, in bespoke accommodation specially adapted to their individual needs.
Staff are trained to offer 1-1 emotional and therapeutic support and there is a lead registered mental health nurse to contact when the need arises.
Our organisation is an approved and contracted framework provider of supported living services and home care services by local authorities in the locations in which we operate our services.
We support those using our service with a range of activities and everyday tasks, such as personal care, accessing services to enhance their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We support them to live a fulfilled life in the community and support them to access education, employment, social and leisure activities, to build confidence, independent living and social skills.
We work closely with other professionals such as Social Workers, CHAMS, Community Mental Health teams, Safeguarding lead, Psychiatrists, physiotherapist and Occupational Therapists to put together Individual Support plans, Risk assessment and Positive Behaviour Management plans that are tailored to meet individual needs.